
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Just me and the kids...out and about

Today was a great adventure! I took both kids out to the VA Aquarium and boy was it fun. I think the most stressful part of taking them out solo was getting them ready. It always seem to take forever to get both kids ready to go anywhere, and even longer when I have to do it alone.

When we got there, Stella and I had our picture taken and then we headed off for the exhibits. Little Albert was okay for the first 20 minutes and then he started screaming so I spent the rest of our time there holding him and pushing a double stroller. That was my least favorite part of the whole trip.

I think it was a success overall, had a chance to get out of the house, got great pictures of Stella and got to see the new exhibits.

I decided to take a peek at the info for the Shamrock run last night and I was disappointed to see that there is an 8k not 5k event. Not sure if I want to sign up for it, I still have some time to decide.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

On my way (part 2)...

Okay, so today's workout was a little tougher. I think it was because I was really hungry and it was almost lunch time. Next time I'll have to remember to have something to eat prior to exercising. It also would help to have a 'workout' play list on the I-pod. Nothing like jamming to some good music to make the time go by.
I tried to jog 1.5 miles, but stopped short at 1.25 miles instead. Better luck next time I guess. I did, however, cut my time by almost 2 minutes which makes me pretty happy.
Results of today's session:
Day 4 - 2.25 miles at 34 minutes

I told Al today that I would be interested in running the Shamrock run 5k next month. I think I can handle a 3 miler. ;)

On my way...

Having just had another baby, I am very eager to get back to my pre-pregnancy size. I was able to lose the majority of the baby weight pretty quickly after Little Albert - a lot quicker than I did with Stella. I'm almost to my pre-pregger size, but I know I can do more.

Al has inspired me to get healthier not just for myself, but for him and my babies. He's on his own mission to get healthier and I am going along for the ride. To help me get started, we invested in a Wii Fit and it definitely is a lot of fun and does not feel like a workout. I've recently started running on our treadmill and after three workouts I have decided that I'd like to get in shape to run a 5k. That's a nice start to doing more races.

I've officially decided to use this blog as a way to track my journey through both weightloss and fitness. I figure if I have a place to record and share, it would definitely keep me going.

Day 1 - was able to walk/jog 2 miles in 35 min
Day 2 - was able to walk/jog 2.25 miles in 36 min
Day 3 - was able to walk/jog 2.25 miles in 35 min

After each workout, I will post my results. What is it, 3 weeks makes a habit? Well it looks like I've got 2 1/2 weeks to go!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Giving this a try

So, it seems that everyone has a blog these days and I'm going to give it a shot! Not really sure what I'll be posting, don't really have a concept yet. I'll just go with 'everyday' things - kind of like how 'Seinfeld' is a show about nothing. I'm sure as I go on it will get better. Wish me luck!