
Monday, August 8, 2011

Project #3

Before leaving for vacation, I was surfing Craigslist and came across a vanity/desk. After finishing my dresser project, I have been looking for something I could use as a desk/nightstand for my bedroom. I wasn't having much luck and started to get a little discouraged. To my delight, I found a piece of furniture that would be perfect. I called the lady the next day and arranged for pick up. It is a very old piece of furniture, from the 1890's-1900's and the style is very similar to the dresser. I'm pretty excited to get started on it and clear out our old desk that is much too big and bulky for our room. Hopefully you'll see an update on it in a few weeks or less! The hard work is pretty much finished, someone started stripping and sanding it. I think I'll paint it a black semi-gloss since the wood isn't as pretty as the other piece.

I've recently become obsessed with looking at master bedroom ideas on the internet and came across this beautiful room done by Emily Hewitt. It's very romantic and inspiring. Not too sure if my husband would agree to something to girly.

Ideas are still brewing in my head. It was a lot easier to do the kid's bedrooms and I know it's going to be a while before I get things the way I want in my own bedroom.

Cheers to another project and happy sanding!

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